When you have the right tools, that’s half the job done.

Don’t know who said the quote but I agree.

Welcome back! These are the tools we are going to be using throughout this blog ;

  1. Mac – unfortunately for iOS you need a MacBook.
  2. Swift – this is the coding language for creating iOS apps. Version 4.0 or lower is okay.
  3. Xcode – the IDE for writing iOS apps. I’ll be posting using Xcode 9.2, you can download that or lower.
  4. iPhone  – this is not particularly urgent because we can use the simulator on the computer. If you have one already thats good, you can use it to view the app you are creating, otherwise don’t fret.

Those are the key tools we’ll be using. I have 2 more additional tools that I believe every developer needs:


  • GitHub accountWhat is GitHub? In simple terms its a project folder where you can save your code, collaborate with others on the same code. Make changes, view your current and previous changes. All this is being saved on a “cloudso to speak. In technical terms, it’s a version control that uses git 🤓.  It’s also a great resource to share with potential employers, it serves as a portfolio.

I’ll be sharing with you how to get started using Git/GitHub.


  • StackOverflow account –  This is a Q/A board for code-related questions. If you  have a coding error or problem you cannot figure out, chances are that same problem has been posted and answered on this site. Think of it as Google for code. Before posting your own question, try and search through the site first.

Thats it for now. Later in the week, I will show you how to setup GitHub and Xcode on your machine.

If you are eager to get started, please try to setup GitHub and Xcode on your own and if you are stuck or have any questions, I would be happy to answer 😊.



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